
美国有一套书叫作《你的N年级孩子应该知道什么》,很受欢迎。虽然学校的老师不一定完全按照它上面的内容讲授,但大体上反映了学校里应该学到的东西了。一般开学时老师会建议家长买这本书,然后配合学校辅导。这套书有给学前班、一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级、五年级这些年级的。比如,一年级的书名就是"What Your First Grader Needs to Know"。
I. 语言和文学(Language and Literature)
一年级学生的读、写(Reading,Writing,and Your First Grader)
教孩子阅读,注意平衡(Traching Children to Read:The Need for a Balanced Approach)
学习阅读和写作(Learning to Read and Write)
读写的目标:从学前班到一年级(Goals for Reading and Writing:From Kindergarten to First Grade)
一个好的一年级教学计划是什么样的?(What Does a Good FIrst-Grade Program Do?)
家长如何帮助?(What Parents Can Do to Help?)
大声朗读(Read-Aloud Activities)
传统民谣(Traditional Rhymes)
小沙利沃克(Little Sally Walker)
如果愿望能变马(If Wishes Were Horses)
红心女王(The Queen of Hearts)
三个聪明人(Three Wise Men of Gotham)
所罗门.格兰门(Solomon Grundy)
九月有三十天(Thirty Days Hath September)
绕口令(Tongue Twisters)(东升注:我曾经写过英文有关绕口令的博文)
谜语歌谣(Riddle Rhymes)
更多给一年级的诗(More Poems for First Grade)
牧场(The Pasture)
一个好游戏(A Good Play)
裁缝(The Swing)
青蛙(The Frog)
紫色的牛(The Purple Cow)
我知道所有动物发出的声音(I Know All the Sounds That the Animals Make)
猫头鹰和小猫咪(The Owl and the Pussy-cat)
我的影子(My Shadow)
跳绳歌谣(Rope Rhyme)
餐桌礼仪(Table manners)
唱首人们的歌(Sing a Song of People)
云肯、布林肯与诺德(Wynken,Blynken,and Nod)
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
伊索寓言(Aesop's Fables)
狼来了(The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
狐狸和葡萄(The Fox and the Grapes)
马槽中的狗(The Dog in the Manger)
卖牛奶的女孩(The Maid and the Milk Pail)
披着羊皮的狼(The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing)
下金蛋的鹅(The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs)
所有的故事都是阿南西的(All Stories Are Anansi's)
在堤防上的男孩(The Boy at the Dike)
兄弟兔得到了兄弟狐狸的晚餐(Brer Rabbit Gets Brer Fox's Dinner)
青蛙王子(The Frog Prince)
奇幻森林历险记(Hansel and Gretel)
跳跳虎的早餐(In Which Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast(from The House at Pooh Corner))
一寸法师:一寸少年(Issum Boshi:One-Inch Boy)
拇指汤姆(Tom Thumb)
事情总可能变得更糟(It Could Always Be Worse)
杰克与仙豆(Jack and the Beanstalk)
膝盖高的人(The Knee-High Man)
半鸡(Medio Pollito)
花衣魔笛手(The Pied Piper of Hamelin)
公主与豌豆(The Princess and the Pea)
睡美人(Sleeping Beauty)
彼得兔的故事(The Tale of Peter Rabbit)
为什么猫头鹰有双大眼睛(Why the Owl Has Big Eyes)
狼来了:戏剧(The Boy Who Cried Wolf:A Drama)
日常俗话(Family Saying)
一天一苹果,医生不上门(An apple a day keeps the doctor away.)
己所欲,施与人(Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)(东升注:西方的“金科玉律”)
正中要害(Hit the nail on the head.)
一次不成功,努力再努力(If at first you don't succeed,try,try again.)
挪得之地(Land of Nod.)(东升注:引申为“梦乡”)
让那只猫从口袋里出来(Let the cat out of the bag.)(东升注:它的实际意思是:在不小心的情况下泻露了秘密)
多多益善(The more the merrier.)
今天能做的事今天做(Never leave till tomorrow what you can do today.)
熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect.)
没有比家更好的地方(There's no place like home.)
II. 历史和地理(History and Geography)
世界历史和地理(World History and Geography)
历史:每个人的故事(History:everyone's Story)
冰川时代:人类在迁移(The Ice Age:Humans on the Move)
埃及:尼罗河的礼物(Egypt:Gift of the Nile)
异想天开的法老和不可思议的遗迹(Fantastic Pharaohs and Marvelous Monuments)
象形文字:用图画写字(Hieroglyphics:Picture Writing)
沿尼罗河而下(A Journey Down the Nile)
法老王图特的宝藏(The Treasures of King Tut)
两河流域 - 又一个礼物(Mesopotamia - Another Gift)
什么是金字神塔?(What's a Ziggurat?)
一个领袖和法律(A Leader and the Laws)
宗教:不同人的不同信仰(Religions:What Different People Believe)
摩西的故事(The Story of Moses)
第一个圣诞(The First Christmas)
基督教师:好撒马利亚人的寓言(Jesus the Teacher:The Parable of the Good Samaritan)
美国历史和地理(American History and Geography)
过大陆桥(Crossing the Land Bridge)
丛林中的城市:玛雅(Cities in the Jungle:The Maya)
湖中的城市:阿兹特克(City in the Lake:The Aztecs)
云中的城市:印加(Cities in the Clouds:The Incredible Inca)
欧洲人的到来(The Arrival of the Europeans)
西班牙统治者(The Spanish Conquerors)
为什么西班牙人战胜了?(Why Did the Spanish Win?)
墨西哥的今天(Mexico Today)
然后是英国(And Then Came England)
失却的殖民地(The Lost Colony)
最后的英国殖民地:詹姆斯敦(A Lasting English Colony:Jamestown)
新移民(The Pilgrims)
清教徒(The Puritans)
奴隶来到殖民地(Slavery Comes to the Colonies)
十三个殖民地(Thirteen Colonies)
殖民地居民和国王(The Colonist and the King)
波斯顿茶党(The Boston Tea Party)
与母国战斗?(A Fight with Mother?)
(The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere)
一个国家的诞生 - 1776年7月4日(A Nation Is Born - July 4,1776)
几个革命家(Some Revolutionary Lives)
一个发明家:苯.富兰克林(An Inventive Man:Ben Franklin)
一个勇敢的妇女:黛博拉.桑普森(A Courageous Woman:Deborah Sampson)
一个为了自由的诗人:菲莉斯-惠特莉(A Poet for Freedom:Phillis Wheatley)
国父:乔治•华盛顿(A Father to His Country:George Washington)
“叫它麦克罗尼”("And called it macaroni"!)
所有人的自由?(Freedom for All?)
美洲在发展(America Grows)
多好的交易!购买路易斯安那(What a Bargain!The Louisiana Purchase)
向前看(Looking Ahead)
III. 视觉艺术(Visual Arts)
人类创作艺术已经很长时间了(People Have Been Making Art for a Very Long Time)
缤纷的世界(A World of Color)
画线条(Get in Line!)
画图形(Get in Shape!)
质地:哦,如此的感觉!(Texture:Oh,What a Feeling!)
好好看:肖像(Looking Good:Portraits)
自画像:好好看看你自己(Self-Portraits:Take a Good Look at Yourself)
静物画(Hold Still!)
壁画:画在墙上的画(Murals:Paintings on Walls)
IV. 音乐(Music)
乐器和乐器分类(Instruments and Their Families)
管弦乐团(The Orchestra)
伟大的作曲家(Great Composers)
莫扎特,一个wonder男孩("Mozart the Wonder Boy")
音乐可以讲述故事(Music Can Tell a Story)
音乐舞台剧:歌剧(Dramas with Music:Opera)
音乐可以让你运动(Music Can Make You Move)
旋律与和声(Melody and Harmony)
我有了节奏(I've Got Rhythm!)
音乐的读写(Reading and Writing Music)
一些受人喜爱的歌曲(A Few Favorite Songs)
美丽的美利坚(America,the Beautiful)
Blow the Man Down
蟑螂歌(La Cucaracha(The cockroach))
比利男孩(Billy Boy)
走在河滩上(Down by the Riverside)
他是一个快乐的好小伙(For He's a Jolly Good Fellow)
流入山谷(Down in the Valley)
Dry Bones
两只老虎(Frere Jacques/Brother John)(东升注:中文翻译时,歌词和歌名全都改了。)
麦克划船上岸(Michael,Row the Boat Ashore)
在老斯莫基山顶上(On Top of Old Smoky)
她将绕过这座山脉过来(She'll be Commin' Round the Mountain)
跳跃的灵魂(Skip to my Lou)(东升注:此处翻译可能不准)
我的水桶有一个洞(There's a Hole in the Bucket)
带我出去看球赛(Take Me Out to the Ball Game)
V. 数学(Mathematics)
模式和分类(Patterns and Classifications)
数和数的认知(Numbers and Number Sense)
从一到十(Numbers from 1 to 10)
多一个和少一个(One More and One Less)
序数(Numbers for Things in Order)
整数的数位(Place Value)
从20到100的整数的数位(Place Value from 21 to 100)
一百以下数数(Counting to 100)
十二是一打(Twelve Is a Dozen)
大于和小于(Greater Than and Less Than)
课堂练习:以前和以后(Activity:Before and After)
课堂练习:数字卡片游戏(Activity:Number Flesh Card Activities)
图形的使用(Using Graphs)
课堂练习:用骰子做加法(Activity:dicey addition)
三个数的加法(Adding Three Numbers)
减法:拿走后剩下差数(Subtraction:Taking Away Leaves the Difference)
比较差与和(Comparing Differences and Sums)
加减法的几组基本性质(Fact family)
课堂练习:找出神秘数(Activity:Find the Mystery Number)
课堂练习:加减的故事(Activity:Addition and Subtraction Stories)
课堂练习:一百以内数表(Activity:a Hundred Table)
两位数加法(Two-digit Addition)
两位数减法(Two-digit Subtraction)
12以内加法(Addition Facts to 12)
0到12的减法(Subtraction Facts from 0 to 12)
课堂练习:硬币组合(Activity:Coin Combinations)
平面图形和立体图形(Flat and Solid Shapes)
课堂练习:(Activity:Simon Says)
日历(Calendar Time)
课堂练习:(Activity:Telling Time)
VI. 科学(Science)
生物和它们的栖息地 Living Things and Their Habitats)
森林栖息地(The Forest Habitat)
地下栖息地(The Underground Habitat)
沙漠栖息地(The Desert Habitat)
水栖息地(Water Habitats)
食物链(The Food Chain)
动物和植物需要它们自己的栖息地,所以我们要小心(Animals and Plants Need Their Habitats,So Be Careful)
已经消失但仍然受关注的生物:恐龙(Extinct but Still Popular:Dinosaurs)
海洋和海面下的生活(Oceans and Undersea Life)
海洋和潮水(The Oceans and the Tides)
洋流(Ocean Currents)
海底(Under the Ocean)
人类和海洋世界(Humans and the Ocean World)
人体(The Human Body)
骨架系统(The Skeletal System)
肌肉系统(The Muscular System)
循环系统(Circulatory System)
消化系统(The Digestive System)
神经系统(The Nervous System)
生病和健康(In Sickness and in Health)
保护自己的身体(Take Care of Your Body)
物质:固体、液体、气体(Matter:Solid,Liquid,and Gas)
空气是物质(Air Is Matter)
物质状态的变化(Changing States of Matter)
度量:多长、多多、多热(Measurement:How Long,How Much,How Hot)
度量单位(Units of Measurement)
多长和多高?(How Long?How Tall?)
占据多少空间?(How Much Space DOes It Fill?)
杯、夸特、加仑(Cups,Quarts,and Gallons)(东升注:一杯 = ?美国人仍然使用英制)
温度:多热、多冷?(Temperature:How Hot?How Cold?)
电:简介(Eletricity:An Introduction to the Shocking Facts)
静电(Static Electricity)
开和关(On and Off)
试验:什么导电?(An Experiment:What Conduct?)
与电有关的安全知识(Safety Rules Around Electricity)
天文:太阳系(Astronomy:Our Solar System)
我们的太阳系(Our Solar System)
月球(The Moon)
星座:用线链接起来的星星(Constellations:Connect-the-Dot Stars)
我们的巨大、转动着和移动着的地球(Our Big,Round,Moving earth)
试验:是什么造成了白天和黑夜?(An Experiment:What Makes Day and Night?)
回到地球来(Down to Earth)
地球的内部(Inside the Earth)
地球是由不同的岩石组成(The Earth Makes Different Kinds of Rocks)
地球上的重要矿物(The Earth's Important Minerals)
科学家的故事(Stories About Scientists)
爱德华•詹纳(Edward Jenner)
路易•巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)
托马斯•爱迪生(Thomas Edison)
蕾切尔•卡逊(Rachel Carson)